While the Federal Government is still taking a hard stance against cannabis, including telling it’s employees and armed forces that they can’t even be investing in it, the other side of the the federal government continues putting money into studies that show that they understand the plant has value, and they are interested. Just a little over a week ago, the US Armed Forces put out a “RFI” or Request for Information, asking for information on fabrics to use for sniper uniforms. They specifically mentioned hemp yarn amongst other items they are considering. The government is looking for a fabric that is lighter and more breathable than the fabric used in the current uniforms. The U.S. Farm Bill took effect more than four years ago in 2018, and it allows hemp cultivation. But, the US Department of Defense reaffirmed it’s ban of hemp and CBD after the farm bill, in 2020. The Department issued a memorandum to the armed forces which barred “all active and reserve service members from using hemp products, including CBD.” The reasoning for this contradiction could have something to do with a notation in the memo, which pointed out that the “regular use of lawful hemp products could result in a positive urinalysis test for THC,” because both marijuana and hemp are derived from the cannabis plant. Comments are closed.
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