Ohio State University research believes that Ohio could benefit to the tune of $375 million annually by legalizing recreational marijuana. The OSU Drug Enforcement and Policy Center used estimates from current legislation proposals, and other state’s received revenue to offer a ‘best guess’ for how much the state could receive in taxes from adult use cannabis sales, if allowed. They believe the number is somewhere between $275 million and $375 million. Currently, a petition is making it’s rounds to gather enough signatures to force lawmakers to review their proposal for adult use cannabis. It looks like the petition will get the numbers it’s needs, but it still must go before legislatures If lawmakers pass on it, then signatures must be gathered all over again, but this time for enough support to place it on the ballot in November. Earlier this year, the states top Republicans signaled their opposition to it. Ohio has tried before to achieve full legalization, but has not yet succeeded. Comments are closed.
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