The Creators of the show “South Park”, Matt Stone and Trey Parker, have covered a lot of subjects on their animated show over it’s history. One show in their 22nd season covered the subject of cannabis, when a character moved to a cannabis farm. The farm's name was “Tegridy”. The name has become popular enough with cannabis fans, that it was even used in Colorado’s cannabis license plate auction earlier this year. The state auctioned off the rights to different cannabis themed license plates in the state, and amongst others such as blunt, thc, dope, cannabis, 420, toker, weed, and “Tegridy” was also in the group! Recently, Stone & Parker signed one of the largest entertainment deals, for $900 million over the next six years, with ViacomCBS. The contact will have them make new episodes of “South Park” for Viacom’s Comedy Central network, and to create several spinoff movies for the company’s Paramount+ streaming service. Matt Stone spoke with Bloomberg about the deal, and spoke about their plans in addition to the new shows and movies. He said, “We have a ‘South Park’ 3D video game, release date unknown. We’re doing deep fakes. We have a studio with a dozen people who are deep fake artists. We’re working on a little more of this deep fake movie we’re trying to piece together. … We have a horror movie. A musical.” And then he added, “I think we’re really for the first time going to bring Tegridy Weed into real life.” That’s one company guaranteed to be a hit with consumers for the novelty alone, but with that kind of funding, they should be able to make some quality weed that will appeal to connoisseurs as well as just fans of the show. No word on when or how they will start this business, yet, but we’ll look forward to that happening hopefully soon. Comments are closed.
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